Since the system already had a SunCD (Toshiba 12X) on the internal bus,
a second Sbus narrow SCSI card was inserted into the system. A narrow
controller (as oppsed to wide, like the built in SCSI) was used to insure
proper termination of the bus since the CD recoder drive is
narrow device. The CD recorder is was placed on this bus as target 6.
That made c0t6d0 the internal CD-ROM and c1t6d0 the
external recorder.
Obtain the software listed in the software section. Follow each of the directions, compile if needed and then install it.
The scg driver requires a system reboot.
Check to see if you can see the CD recorder with this command:
cdrecord -v -inq -dev=1,6,0
if you don't get a postitive responce that the drive was found try this:
cdrecord -v -scanbus
And look for a Matsushita drive.
Note: read_cdda as delivered only reads c0t6d0 (the internal CD).