CD filesystem
CD-ROMS are usually recorded in ISO 9660 format. This a
restictive from (looks like DOS type file names). But there
are extensions that allow UNIX style long names and deep
directories. These are called Rock Ridge extensions and it is different
from the Windows95/98 long name extensions (Joliete). If you make
a CD with Rock Ridge extions an place it into a PC CD-ROM drive,
you will not see the long names. Be aware that text files will
also have problems on the PC as the end of line for DOS is a
\n\r where is UNIX it is just \n, see the
unix2dos command.
Making an ISO 9660 image
To make an image of a directory (total size must be less than 650M) use this:
mkisofs -a -f -r -v -V volname dir-to-copy > file.iso9660
There is a utitlity that will allow the directory and file names to be long on UNIX, PC and Macs. Use the this instead:
mkhybrid -a -f -r -v -J -hfs -V volname dir-to-copy > file.iso9660
Now copy the iso9660 image to the CD recorder:
cdrecord -v -dev=1,6,0 -speed=4 -data file.iso9660
If you are using vold then what you supply for volname
on the mkisofs line will be what the CD will be mounted as
under /cdrom
Encrypting a CD
If you want to place data in a CD-ROM but want the entire disk to be
encrypted in case it falls into the wrong hands, you can use cfs
to do this. Make sure cfsd is running and is mounted on /crypt then do this
cmkdir cryptdir
cattach cryptdir cpoint
cd dir-to-copy
find . -depth -print | cpio -dumpv /crypt/cpoint
cdetach cpoint
Now cryptdir contains an encrypted copy of dir-to-copy.
Just use the same commands to make the IS09660 image of cryptdir (NOT dir-to-copy) and write it on to CD as described as above. Now
to read it, you must cattach the directory you mount CD-ROM
as, just don't forget the password.