Shared Library Interposer for SPARC Solaris 2.x

Copyright © 1997

This is a work in progress, right now you can only use it for system spoofing. More overlays are being added, check back later.

NEW: Now with both 32 and 64 bit shared libraries

How to use it:

use full path for the filename
set any of these environment variables:
SI_SYSNAME      os-type (SunOS)
SI_HOSTNAME     hostname
SI_RELEASE      release (5.5)
SI_VERSION      version  (generic)
SI_MACHINE      machine type (sun4m)
SI_ARCHITECTURE architecture (sparc)
SI_HW_PROVIDER  manufacturer (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
SI_SRPC_DOMAIN  domainname
SI_HW_SERIAL    hostid
SI_PLATFORM     platform (SUNW,SPARCstation-20)
SI_KERB_REALM   kerberos realm
TIMEOFDAY       clock offest in seconds: +/- or absolute

download the bzip2'd tar file(11K)